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Friday, August 5, 2022

Bullet Train

Lisa and I saw this movie at a theater in Beloit, an hour SW of Milwaukee. It was a non-Marcus theater, with brown leather recliners that had a built in seat warmer, a huge screen, and incredible sound. Far superior to the local Marcus product, in our opinion. 

As for the movie, Lisa was the one who wanted to see it, based largely on a recommendation from YaYa, but she didn't dig it and spent a good portion of the film surreptitiously checking her phone. That wasn't exactly a shock to me - she isn't one for violent movies, or even action movies in general. She'd been under the impression it was more of a comedy-action movie, rather than vice versa.

The movie had plenty of laughs (kudos to the comedy chops of Brad Pitt, by the way) but it had plenty of violence and action and gore too. It had a Guy Ritchie vibe to it, both in tone and dialogue. 

I loved it. I thought it was grand, even if it was so implausible as to make no sense, and I tip my hat to the entire cast, especially the before mentioned Pitt and Aaron Taylor-Johnson, aka Tangerine. 

If you don't mind a wee bit of blood squirting from eyeballs in a playful manner, go see this flick. 

It was grand. 

Grade: A

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