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Monday, August 22, 2022

The Adam Project

So late last month I  watched the latest Ryan Reynolds Netflix film, The Adam Project. It's about a time traveler who goes back in time and works with his 12 year old self to prevent the death of his wife in the far future. 

It sounds, from that write-up, pretty heavy. 


It's a goofy movie that doesn't even attempt to keep to a consistent take on time travel or its consequences, despite all the many times the characters openly whine about not changing history. And Ryan Reynolds once again, plays himself. His acting range has all the breadth of a flea's waistline. 

That said, I liked it. 

Why? Because Ryan Reynolds playing himself is a pretty interesting character, the 12 year old version of himself was a laugh out loud hit, and I dig time travel. 

So, assuming you already pay for a Netflix subscription, watch it. :)

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