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Wednesday, November 15, 2023

My Old House

I spent my early years - maybe from birth to 4 or 5 - in this house on Windlake Ave. Even after all these years it retains the same blue and white siding that I remember. 

I don't have many memories of the house, and they are all scattershot: 

Sitting at the kitchen table as my Dad used my Matchbox cars to show my Grandpa how a car accident happened.

Throwing up butter cookies in the upstairs hallway LOL

Laying in my bed and dreaming of scuba diving!

Saying my nighttime prayers terrified of dying because I had mistakenly taken a sip of diet, not regular, soda LOL

A counter/table in the kitchen that folded up flat against the wall

A stone path in the backyard

Watching the older neighbor kids play badminton in their backyard

A bookcase near the front door that my sister knocked over during a seizure

Laying in a bedroom downstairs and smelling ground beef cook on the day my Mom came home from the hospital with my youngest sister.

And I remember - and brother, I could be dead wrong about this - that the living room was along the street, the kitchen to the rear, the downstairs bedroom to the south of the kitchen, and my bedroom upstairs along the street above the living room. 

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