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Sunday, November 19, 2023

Rosalynn Carter

Rosalynn Carter, 1/2 of the longest married Presidential couple in American history, died today at the age of 96. 

The Carter Administration was the first that I have memories of, and I think it's telling that it even as a child of a democratic household the bits and pieces that came down to me at the time were negatives: the Iran hostage situation, a troubled economy , and the defeat to Reagan in 1980.In the histories I've read, she was often far more attuned to what was needed, and what consequences were to follow, than her husband. 

I have of course watched Mrs Carter spend the last 42 years alongside her husband as he salvaged his personal reputation through personal service to communities across the nation. I've always been impressed by her stature and her obvious intelligence. 

With her death the 77 year marriage comes to an end, and I can't help but fear that Jimmy himself will long to meet her again soon.


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