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Thursday, November 2, 2023


Sisu sucks. 

It's the story of an Finnish ex-commando turned gold prospector who runs afoul of a group of Nazi SS seeking his gold.  If you saw saw the trailers for this foreign film, you'd think it was a high end  John Wick in a historical setting. 

You'd be wrong. 

Let's forget the fact the filmmakers want you to see Finland as an innocent victim of Nazi oppression, when in fact they were allies of Germany before turning on them when the going got rough.  

Let's forget that the main character is a third rate Wick with zero charisma. 

Let's forget that the movie has zero plot.

And let's certainly forget the laws of physics, for in this film a human body is an effective shield against high caliber machine gun fire.

This isn't an escapist romp, it's a horrible waste of your time.

Skip it. I wish I had. 

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