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Monday, September 30, 2024

Pete Rose

Pete Rose,  the polarizing all- time major league hits leader who was permanently banned from the game for gambling, has died.  He was 83.

I remember him best from the lead up to breaking Ty Cobbs record,  when I read a book on him and, oddly enough,  felt rather protective of old Cobb and resentful of the record.  Silliness.  It was a well deserved accomplishment. 

Of course he's known best for that MLB ban,  and I fully endorse it. He knew the rules, and there was no bigger no- no in the game. He only bet on his team to win,  yeah, but he was the manager.  Baseball is a marathon,  and who knows how many times, as manager,  he sacrificed tomorrow for a win today because he had money on the outcome.

Now, I might have been in favor of a pardon as the years wore on,  were it not for the fact that he was never remorseful and his story changed over and over. 

All the same,  he was a fantastic player, truly one of the greats. I wouldn't object, at least right now,  to a posthumous HOF induction.


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