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Thursday, September 5, 2024

The (Rained Out) Noah Kahan Concert at Alpine Valley

 Ok, so somehow, despite taking after me in many respects, Junie has abandoned that standard when it comes to concert going. I'm still not a big concert guy - and Lordy, there better be chairs! - but as a high schooler I saw ZERO shows. I was waaayy too anxiety ridden to go to one. Meanwhile, thirty years later, if you've so much as hummed a tune and she's heard it on Spotify, there goes Junie to see you in concert. 

The latest, back on July 13th, was songwriter/performer Noah Kahan at Alpine Valley. 

The cost of tickets was an issue for a long time, but eventually she and a friend purchased good, (expensive) seats on a payment plan and got ready for the show. 

She borrowed my car for the trip to Alpine Valley, a venue about 45 minutes to the southwest of Milwaukee, and while I had concerns with both the traffic and the parking situation there she did fine. 

Like I said, she had good seats, under the awning - that would come in handy later. 

Meanwhile Lisa and I were at home watching as a major storm rolled into that area. A co-worker of mine was at the concert (but only *lawn* seats, hmph. What do you expect from a lawyer? It's not like he has the resources of a teenage girl!). Soon he reported that the lawn seats were being ordered to evacuate, but that most people weren't budging from their hard earned spots. 

Junie texted to say that she was being ordered to shelfter in place, as was everyone under the canopy. She was scared, and I daresay with reason. The threat of a tornado was on a lot of minds. 

I should mention by the way, that Alpine Valley had pathetic cell and wifi reception, leaving many concert goers without accurate information or means of contacting loved ones. I mean, it wasn't a national tragedy, but yikes. 

I think we got word at home - via Instagram - of the concerts postponement at pretty much the same time anyone at the venue did; maybe even sooner. 

The thought of Junie getting out of that parking lot in under four hours, and doing it in the middle of a storm, just didn't compute. They ran to the car, and as luck would have it, because they got there quite late (relatively speaking) the car was near the exit and so they got out before most poeple even started rolling. 

They got home safe, which is what matters, and the concert was rescheduled, albeit for September 11th, which is little more of a jinx if you ask me. In the meantime, she had some fun with all the memes and posts about the mess. 

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