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Tuesday, November 15, 2016

I'm down 2.7 pounds this week, the first crack in the plateau in over a month. If my hip would co-operate, and I could hit the gym as often as I like, maybe the losses could continue.

One last thing

This will be my last post on the election itself, I hope. In response to the "HRC won the popular vote by 1 million, proof we should dump the electoral college" argument: you are actually proving the opposite. Take away CA and NY and Trump wins the popular vote by 7 million. California and New York should not, MUST not, have the power to overrule 48 states. The Electoral College has proven it's worth.

Monday, November 14, 2016


It's 2:30 AM, I have class in six hours, and I just realized that in my good-faith effort to get a headstart on next month's final by reviewing all weekend, I never bothered to do my homework for class. So, 2 things: 1. FML she'll chew me apart. 2. I'm way too f'ing old to write the words "my homework" and to be scared of a teacher. So #2 also boils down to FML.

Update: I made it through class unscathed by keeping the book open at all times to the relevant page, maintaining confident eye contact with the professor, and nodding judiciously in agreement with her points. Be wary of an old man in a young man's game. Experience matters.

My Thoughts: Media Fear Mongering and Division

The media needs to stop its fear mongering, its victim narrative, and its race baiting. It's so transparent   I'm seriously starting to think maybe the press is past the point of ever being capable of true journalism again. And that's not partisan spiel: I have real doubts they are up to the task. And that's scary for a nation that depends, in theory, on a free and objective press.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

That's the brutal truth

I wrote a long blog post listing the reasons why HRC lost the election, but eh, why bother posting it? It all boils down to this: she was an incredibly unpopular person lacking in charisma and approachability.

A Stupid Slogan

"Love Trumps Hate" is about the most cockamamie slogan in history. It means nothing, incorporates a wrongful slur against the opposition, and frankly, sounds like something a bitter hippie thought up between puffs.

I don't minimize mental illness. I've had enough experience with it in my life. But claiming an election brings you to the point of suicide demeans the truly ill, because that isn't mental illness: it's first world entitlement.

Friday, November 11, 2016

He Really Would Have Loved It

Man I miss Fred Bryan. He would have adored Tuesday's outcome.

Stating the Obvious

If you want a Republic, respect the outcome of its Constitutional elections. To protest them is to argue on behalf of dictatorship.
I don't need a "safe place" because I'm, like, an adult.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

On Trump's Win

On my way to work election night, just as I was about to get on the freeway, I heard on the radio that Mexico's currency was falling, and I thought "WOW, they must be confident that Trump will win."

No gloating, no crying here. I've won and I've lost before and I've yet to decide exactly which one just happened. But regardless, America has made its choice and for the next three years Trump is your President and his success is OUR success. I say three years not four, because I consider all bets off once a new election cycle starts.

Bullshit, that ship sailed with the GOP obstructing EVERYTHING Obama proposed from inaugural night on - Socialist

I don't see much gloating on FB, but scads of bleating and despair and dumbass jokes about assassinations and revolt. If I have to reign my end in, and lawd knows I'm giddy, try to do the same and act like a grown up.

A Public Service Announcement

Mein Gott, people are sharing way too much false information. Source people, source. If you're posting on social media, you by definition have access to the internet. Use it. And if you're proven wrong, correct and or delete it. I have. Don't respond by saying "I don't care, I hate him"; this ain't kindergarten.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

My Thoughts on the Electoral College

My explanation of the electoral college: Your neighborhood is planning a block party, but you need to agree on one of two dates. You could take a survey of everyone in all 50 houses in the subdivision, but then the sister wives house with 30 kids is pretty much guaranteed to get their way. So instead you have every family decide what they want, and then collect the results from each house. The majority decision then stands.

While I'm at it, the candidates know the nature of the game and tailor their campaign to the electoral college. If the popular vote meant a win, they both would have distributed time and money in different ways, possibly changing the outcome in the popular vote and rendering your narrative moot.

And I love how people only find the electoral college archaic and wrong when their side loses, but it seems just peachy when they win. Odd that, dontchathink?

I Ain't Kidding

Ladies and gentlemen: Truman-Dewey ain't got nuthin' on last night. Wow.


And in less divisive news, Michael Keaton has been confirmed as The Vulture in the upcoming Spiderman: Homecoming.

Forward, not Back

A friend was happy Trump's election could result in a thorough investigation into the Clinton Foundation. I disagree. I think Trump would be wise to ixnay any further foray into Clinton's life. Not that there isn't shady activity to be found, but now is the time to lead the country forward, not bog it down in the past.


Eh, it was alright, if you can forgive the haircuts.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Election Night

The whole family is watching the election returns, and so far so good: only one kid has threatened to stab another.

So far a tight, tight race, with no landslide in sight (sorry NY Times). This room is tense, with emotions running high, but I'm actually relaxed and happy. Come what may it's over. I've been deeply invested in every election since '84 - I've won some, lost more - and if you've survived something before, it's ridiculous to be upset when facing it again. Tomorrow, no matter what, we're all Americans.

And by the way, regardless of the Presidential contest - congrats to Paul Ryan on his re-election!

If you're undecided . . .

If you are still an undecided voter, write in my name. If you can spell it correctly, it shows you've really studied up before the election, and it will count double.  Would I lie to you?

Johnson won!! Wow!!

Forget the Presidential race - I would have been ecstatic with just this win. Wow. Congrats to Ron Johnson!

My Thoughts

Ok, you know what? I'm sad for the kid.  But this is not news. Neither are stories about waitresses that get a rude table, a customer that gets bad customer service at a business, and all the other wobbly-spined fluff that is weakening our culture. Keep your petty grievances to yourself, thank you. Or at least restrict it to Yelp, like normal people.

Monday, November 7, 2016

My Day

Busy day. I had class in the morning, got a haircut, emptied the mower of gas and stored it and the patio furniture, grill, etc for the winter, prepped and started the snowblower, went grocery shopping, stopped at the library, picked YaYa up from school, visited my parents, and made dinner. All while looking marvelous.

R-E-L-A-X? Uh, no!

To date, I consider this fantasy football season a pitiful disaster. Oh, btw, -- I have as many wins as the Packers. So it's past time to "relax" and start breaking some boots off in some as#es up in Green Bay.


LuLu: We don't own a snowblower.

Me: Yes we do. We've had one for eight years.

LuLu: (visibly upset) Then why have we been shoveling every year?? 

Me: More fun to watch you sweat.

Janet Reno

RIP former AG Janet Reno.