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Saturday, March 15, 2008

A brief update on our week thru the Ides of March

Quite honestly, this week has been pretty anti-climatic around here, coming as it did on the heels of Smiley's 3rd birthday and his first day of school.

Other than the countdown for my birthday (next Wednesday) the most interesting event 'round here was the morning where we were all a half hour late for school/work. Why? Because Lu had fallen asleep with gum in her mouth and woke up with it plastered to the side of her skull.

We were a breath away from having to chop her hair into a mullet before Lisa hit the internet and came up with a household tip to do the trick; olive oil.

She made it to school having lost less hair than I do in the shower.

Other than that . . beautiful weather all week, almost all the snow is gone. (so naturally, I'm coming down with a chest cold). We cleared off the trampoline again and Lu was a Godsend, singlehandly pushing blocks of ice from the middle of the mat (where I couldn't reach them) to my waiting hands. I think the trampoline just might survive the winter after all.

BTW - it's officially the snowiest winter of my lifetime, according to reports in the paper this week.

Smiley continues to grow his own homemade sign-language vocabulary and said his first ever two word combination: 'buh-bye momma'. Other than that, still at the grunt and scream stage.

The baby was a terror all week, and an upper tooth broke through a few days back (that puts it out of sequence).

YaYa is addicted to a Disney online game, like World of Warcraft but obivously non-violent and more Mario World-like than anything. She knows the 'world' inside and out, and lately I've taken to logging in and earning coins for her by playing the games myself.

Tonight she is at her Grandma Jeanne's and had her IM to ask me to please log off so she could go on.

"In a minute!" I tersely replied. I was in the middle of a aqua-grabber game, people. Hello! What was I supposed to do, give up the 50 coins I'd earned? The gall!

For those concerned about her time online: in addition to AOL parental controls and our physical presence a room away, there's the fact that it's a moderated Disney site so I'm not overly concerned.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm..... I can see her in the near future suggesting you get your own account <LOL>


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