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Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Yankees World Series - 27 Ringzzzzz

* Of the 15 previous times the Yankees have lost Game 1 of the World Series, they have come back to win the series eight times.

* The Phils will start Blanton in game four, saying Lee shouldn't pitch on 3 days rest . . but they'd toss Lee back out there for a possible gm 7 on 2 days rest!? Okeedokee

* Yanks up by 6 in the 5th . . blood in the water, Yanks starting to feed at will. C'mon boys, finish this!

Yanks win! Yanks win! 27 ringz baby!

* Ah, Fox sports is so thoughtless and tacky, asking Matsui if he'd like to return as a Yankee next year just as he receives the MVP trophy. They know full well he's gone next year. Jerky thing to do

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