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Thursday, July 2, 2015

To Clarify

This is in response to a text I received this morning: I'm a fairly conservative Catholic Republican heterosexual that places himself in the Eisenhower/Nixon/41 wing on the GOP - what some dingbats label a RINO. That said, I'm friends with people from a variety of POV's - left, right, Far Left, atheist, Catholic (them's the best), Evangelical, gay, straight, and all points in between. 

I am of the opinion that you can disagree with someone politically without disagreeing with them personally. Tip O'Neil and Ronald Reagan did all but spit at each other on camera, but would get together for a drink in the evening. 

Does that mean I agree with all those other POV's? Obviously not. Do I think some of their intellectual choices are whackadoodle? Well, duh. So what? I assume you think the same of some of my beliefs. Short of all consuming zealotry - is there anything less sexy in the world? - you're free to speak your mind, provided you don't make it into a personal attack. 

And for the record, the sender of the text and I AGREE on most things, just not some recent events. 

So, that being said, enjoy the rest of the day.

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