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Thursday, June 30, 2016

A Neighborhood Bullly

Yesterday, as we walked back from the park, a couple neighborhood kids rode by on bikes and Lauren immediately expressed her "hate" for one of them. 

"Don't say hate," I said. She went on to describe him as a bully who had taunted and pushed her. I took a close look, and I could see it. He's one of those ruddy faced little gingers who is so bitter about not knowing who his Daddy is that he takes out his grief on Cheetos and smaller kids. I said to Parker, "If it comes to it, can you take him in a fight?" 

Parker's a big kid, but this guy had a year, two inches, and maybe 30 pounds on him. Parker's face went blank for a minute, and he cocked his head to the side, studying him like you would artwork on a museum wall. Finally he gave a very slight nod and said, without inflection, "Yeah."

"Good," I said. "He lays hands on your sister again, drop him."

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