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Sunday, August 6, 2017

A Blessing?

An example of the Lord working in mysterious ways: on Friday when I asked for my paycheck my boss laughed; we're paid biweekly and I'd gotten the week wrong. With all heart I thought it was payday, and planned the week's bills accordingly. The week before, my paycheck had gone to the mortgage and phone and utilities. I had barely wet my beak from it, and so, in my head, had forgotten all about it. This was a disaster in a week that will feature LK's birthday party and our vacation. But BUT. . . if I had got a paycheck, it surely would have been stolen in the card scam. In 2004, when we were victims of bank fraud, the bank returned only half of the loss, per their (then current) policy. I don't know if that policy has changed, but in theory I could have been facing a much bigger loss. So, looking on the bright side, Friday's "disaster" was a blessing in disguise.

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