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Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Mayweather-McGregor: My Thoughts

40 years old. Coming off two years of retirement. Weighed less. Shorter reach . Naturally smaller man. Abandoned the technique that earned him 49 wins (shoulder roll, fighting off the back foot, being a defensive counter puncher)

Floyd was walking McGregor down for half of the fight. He took power punches to the head and face and barely blinked. Finished the fight with no visible damage. 

But people still post "but good job McGregor made it 9 rounds" 🙄

Before the fight, "lolz Mayweather hasn't had a legit knockout in 10 years" 🙄

So basically one of the best guys in the his prime..with all the natural advantages stopped by a slower, smaller 40 year old with brittle hands, no real ko power, and "a little head". 🙄

Yeah. Be proud

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