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Monday, August 14, 2017

An Insane Conversation

A (lily white) liberal just claimed my possession of a cellphone and a 15 year old Ford with a busted hood latch (said hood now secured with bungee cords) is evidence of my white privilege. He literally quoted those very facts as his proof, then implied that only a white man could afford such luxuries in the first place. That isn't proof of privilege; that's proof of some sick racism unsuccessfully cloaked as liberal empathy. Cell phones are exclusive to white people? Say what?

Note: I've screenshotted the exchange, in case some comments magically disappear.

May I also point out that my super liberal, rainbow flag flying, Outpost shopping, Impeach Trump neighborhood went crazy when the local park allowed a peaceful Puerto Rican celebration this past weekend. Facebook was littered with complaints that in the end amount to "they are brown and don't belong here." I find the hypocrisy to be exhausting.

But you know we disagree about white privilege.... But his argument falls way short.It's cloaked racism to assume all whites are rich and all blacks are poor. I supposed all whites are educated and all blacks drop outs.... No whites do drugs and all blacks do.....its all just bullshit.

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