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Monday, August 14, 2017

Unremarkable Bigotry

Misspelling my name is a form of ethnic bigotry.  And yes,  I'm serious.

Pronouncing It incorrectly after being corrected and given a simple way (slap-chin-ski) over and over and over gets old too. It wouldn't be tolerated for an African American's difficult first name, why is it so acceptable for a polish last name? - Lisa

Flashback to Logic class in college. - Tre [where a TA asked "May I call you Slappy?"]

And wouldn't you know it, went to pay a bill today and, thinking they were out of earshot, the three clerks laughed about and mispronounced my name - nevermind they had first names as long as my last one. And yes, I did speak up, corrected their pronunciation, and said if they're going to take my money they need to do while at least coming close to my name. I said it nicely, with more humor than growl, but point made, and one spent some time writing my name phonetically for the next time she sees me.

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