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Friday, July 1, 2022

56 Pitches of Shame


Now normally, I'd love to see a score like this, so long as we're on the winning end of it. And I thoroughly enjoyed watching the game .  . . until the 8th inning. 

In that inning, this happened:

Now, it's fine, when the game is long past rescue, to leave a pitcher on the mound, even when he's getting rung up, and spare the rest of the bullpen. Except . . 

56 pitches in a single inning. 

Vieaux didn't just "not have it" tonight, he was woefully lost at sea. And yet he was kept out there. 56 pitches on a reliever's arm in a single inning. 

Oh, I know he was well rested. I know he *used* to be a starting pitcher. And I know Fletcher, the Pirates manager, was trying to save his bullpen. 

But F' Vieaux I guess. Risk his arm, and while you're at it risk his head, as a new big leaguer, by humiliating him. 

I know what you're going to say: "Back in the day, they threw that many pitches EVERY inning."

Eh, back in the day they smoked between innings and wore wool uniforms all summer. 

Times change. 

This was, at least in my opinion, ridiculous. 

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