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Saturday, March 18, 2023

Day 4

Um, I just stood up waaay too fast and it felt like I ripped open my belly on the inside. I mean, I literally (close your ears kids) felt the pain all the way through my testicles.

I guaranty Lisa never felt *that* when she had her gallbladder removed back in '18.

Anyway, aside from that, my recovery is doing fine on day 4. The bruising is peaking visually, but they don't bother me. The four incisions are still painful, especially the one the surgeon said he had to expand, but they're tolerable most of the time (unless I'm driving in a car on Milwaukee streets. Every square foot of road in this town is a pothole, a future pothole, or a poorly repaired pothole, and brother, each kind HURTS.)

But the stomach pain and digestive issues I've dealt with for years? Gone. Hopefully forever, because if this just a brief respite from it I'm gonna be mighty upset.

So yeah, while I remain no fan of surgery at-all - and yeah, there are folks that seems to dig it - I guess this one was worth the effort.

*by the way, I forgot to mention the surgeon claimed to have removed a gallstone the size of a large Jawbreaker candy during the surgery. I claim b.s., but I'm told he was being literal. If true, no wonder the bugger hurt for so long.

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