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Monday, March 13, 2023

Victoria's Secret

 I know Victoria's secret

And, girl, you wouldn't believe
She's an old man who lives in Ohio
Making money off of girls like me"
Cashin' in on body issues
Sellin' skin and bones with big boobs
I know Victoria's secret
She was made up by a dude (dude)
Victoria was made up by a dude (dude)
Victoria was made up by a dude

If you aren't exposed to TikTok or Top 40 radio maybe you don't know of the song 'Victoria's Secret' by Jax. It is a catchy tune, certainly promotes a positive body image for women, and I am pleased to say that I knew of Jax, and her social media presence, long before the song became a radio hit. 

But Saturday morning Lisa and I listened to an interview with Jax in which she was praised umpteen times for exposing the "truth" behind Victoria's Secret - that it isn't run or founded by someone named Victoria, but instead is or was run by a businessman in Ohio.* The topic of the day, apparently, was this stunning bit of insider knowledge. 

I was annoyed and ranted to Lisa.

"WTF thought 'Victoria's Secret' was named after the founder? Dude. It's alluding to the Victorian era and pointing out that the fact that even a prim and proper woman can be sexy in the bedroom. I mean, come on. I got it the first time I heard it as a kid. Who are these idiots? Who doesn't know that?"


"Dan, I guarantee you I never once thought Victoria's Secret had anything to do with the Royal Family or anything that you just said, and neither has any woman I've ever met."

*It was actually founded by a married couple, so a woman *did* help found it but it was later sold to and expanded by said "old man in Ohio." And yes, I'm right about the meaning of the name. I just checked. So pbbbtt. 


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