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Friday, March 17, 2023

The Multiverse Better be Real

Remember my humiliation at having to call someone to change my tire the day after Lisa's accident? 

Well when he arrived I went out and talked to him while he changed it, explaining that part of the jack was missing. He didn't care - he flat out said he preferred that I call so he got paid LOL, and we got to chatting. 

Inevitably, as we're standing outside in the cold, snow still falling, me with a flat tire on this car and another car totalled in  a sheriff's lot, and him kneeling in snow to change said tire, we got to bitching about how life is hard far too often. 

"You know, and man, don't laugh at this - but when I was a kid, I used to go through the Sears catalog and pick out what suits I'd wear when I was President." I said. 

"That's weird," he said, "cuz I used to do almost the same thing. I never wanted to be President, but I used to pretend I was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs [of Staff], making a report at the White House." 

"Huh," I said, a little flummoxed at the similar memories. 

"Maybe there's a multiverse for real," I said, "and somewhere out there, right now at this moment, there's a world where I'm the President and you're Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, and Biden and Harris are busy changing a f-ing tire." 

He laughed. "I hope." 

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