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Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Surgery Tomorrow

Sometime last year I started complaining about stomach pain on the right side, especially in the morning. I pestered by GP long enough for him to schedule me for an ultrasound, which revealed gallstones. 

And that was that. No follow-up care, no mention of it really. Not from the Dr. 

Then last month I started getting nauseous after every meal, sometimes vomited ferociously, and, um, you know, had meals leave abruptly from the alternate exit too.  By February 25th I was worn out, miserable, and my side hurt too. 

Now, keep in mind that the pain never went higher than a 5 on the 1-10 scale, was more often in the 3 or 4 range, and never really matched the hip in that department. So the pain was tolerable for me, and I prefered to spend the rest of the weekend on the computer and going to Collectivo with LuLu. 

But Lisa was a g*damn pest, literally packing some clothes and saying she'd leave for the weekend if I didn't go to the ER. Ok. Still not going. Deductibles, ya'll.  Then she called my MOM, like I was a damn child. And she called YaYa. And my mother-in-law. And my niece. And she had them all henpeck me in the worst tradition of the female of the species. 

So I went to the ER. I had an IV, another ultrasound, which said the gallstones were there and presumably gnarly, and they offered me two choices: I could go home and schedule a mandatory surgery to remove the gallbladder in the next few weeks, or I could check into the hospital and have emergency surgery in the next couple days. 

I chose the former option, and Lisa got mad and went to sit in the car until I was done in the ER LOL

Anyway, tomorrow is the surgery. 

I don't like that they scheduled it for the Ides of March. I'm not superstitious, but I am a little stitious and there are days I avoid: Pearl Harbor Day, 9/11, February 3rd (the death of Buddy Holly), November 22nd (JFK's assassination) the Ides of March, and March 6th (the Fall of the Alamo). So if something goes wrong, you know what to blame. 

Anyway, wish me well. 

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