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Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Comic Strip Jesus - not the real JC - needs to Go

For one thing Comic Strip Jesus implies that those qualities (workmanship, honesty, work ethic) are exclusive to Christians, so of the two folks in the strip it isn't the business owner that's the a*hole. 

For another, I've never understood the point of these comics. I get that the stated intent would be to course correct the behavior of some Christians, but that never seems to be the intent of the people who post these. Instead, there seems to be a distinct subset of Christians who fetishhize the "failure" of other Christians to reach the glorious heights of Godly behavior, and a whole bunch of them enjoy pompous comic strips. 

Last I heard, Christians were humans who do human things for human reasons, and to paint those who stumble as "less than" - when the whole point of the religion is an acknowledgement of failure and forgiveness - is far worse and harmful than just about any venial sin I can imagine.

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