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Sunday, July 9, 2023

JJ and Dave's Wedding Reception

This afternoon Team Slap was happy to attend the wedding reception of JJ and Dave, held at Maggiano's at Mayfair Mall. As you can see from the tabletop menu, it was a heck of a meal (not to mention an open bar for soda/wine/beer). 

Frankly, there were soooo many good appetizers in such abundant quantities that I was well past full by the time the main course was served - not that that stopped me!

Note that Lisa and I didn't look too shabby! 

Neither LuLu nor Smiley could attend because of work obligations (although Lu did JJ's hair early in the afternoon). But Lisa's Mom was there

As was Junie and YaYa

and YaYa's long time beau, Alex

An elderly couple (friends of the bride's Mother) were seated along at a nearby table and Lisa invited them to join us, and they did!

This "butter cake" - whatever that means - was to die for. My word!!

Here's wishing the newlywed couple decades of love and happiness!

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