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Sunday, July 23, 2023


I didn't like the movie and yeah, I'm scared to admit it and incur the wrath of every woman I know. 

I thought the first half hour was pretty good, as I was wowed by the wonderful set design and visuals. 

And then, strictly as a movie, I thought it was pretty standard fare, which is okay. There are worse crimes. But the story itself - toys running away and coming to life, the disillusioned adult once more made aware of the magic of childhood - well, it's been done. Obviously. 

I thought the social message was ghastly too. Oh, on the surface it was about empowerment, but, like, it wasn't? You have a ruling class, residing in big mansions and living the good life, who choose to segregate and disenfranchise a people based on their physical characteristics. Even in the end,  when gosh golly we get our happy ending, the Barbie's consciously and callously deny the Ken's equal representation under the law and in the courts. That's . . . awfully 1970's South Africa, no? 

I guess what bothered me the most was that there wasn't a whole lot of joy in the film. Barbie has been a tremendously positive role model for my girls, and taught them that there was a whole world out there waiting to be conquered. In the movie, Barbie just doesn't embody or believe in that premise. That failure to support the very girls that have supported the franchise for half a century - I find that unforgiveable. 

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