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Monday, July 17, 2023

Joe McIntyre at the Turner Hall Ballroom

Saturday night Lisa and I went downtown to the Turner Ballroom, right across from the Fiserv Forum, to see Joe McIntyre. This was the 3rd time I've seen him perform solo, and Lisa - I don't know if she can even count the times, given the cruise, the convention, etc. 

There was of course merchandise, and my lady bought - and looked great - in a t-shirt from the stand. 

This might be one of my favorite pictures of us, ever: 

This picture is from well before the show started. The main floor was sold out (400 seats if I heard the guard correctly), but the balcony, where we bought tickets, only sold 20 or 30 seats. I think that had to be by design, because what the heck otherwise? Yet why turn down revenue; tickets were being offered for $100 on the secondary market, so it isn't like the demand wasn't there. 

(even though Harley's 120th birthday party was in town) 

That pic too was well before the show but even so, we were front and center to the stage, had a table to ourselves, and best of all (hey, I'm almost 50!) there was a restroom only 25 feet away. It was like we lucked into a private suite LOL!

Now Joe, of course, is a member of New Kids on the Block, and idgaf if you like the group or not, as I do, but the point is moot at a Joe solo show. He performs a couple of NKOTB hits, some of his solo stuff, and covers.  He leans traditionally to the standards of the Rat Pack era, and included a few, but this time around it was largely covers of rock artists. 

He performed accompanied only by backing tracks and a single guitarist/pianist who also co-wrote a song Joe performed. 

I will not come up for excuses for his bright red sequin suit. 

 Turner Hall was built in 1882 and wears its age on its sleeve as a badge of honor. This includes netting to prevent any stray chunks of ceiling to crash into the crowd - something that Joe mentioned between songs, along with a few other friendly jabs to the appearance of the venue.  I don't believe it was said with anything other than affection; Joe is a sarcastic and blunt performer. Case in point: two women insisted on standing in front of the stage, in front of all 400 seats. He sarcastically called them out: "I appreciate you coming and standing there, but you know, you can see the same thing sitting in your seat"

It was a fun show, full of the talent and natural theatricality of Joe. Here's a setlist from a PRIOR show on the tour (none was available for this one yet.)

Like I said. A great show, a great time, a great night with a great woman!

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