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Friday, December 8, 2023

Monk - Mr. Monk's Last Case


As longtime fans of Monk, we were excited to watch the reunion movie on Peacock - I had it on my calendar for a month, Lisa bought popcorn and treats, I invited the whole family to watch it together, and  . . 

What a let down. 

The mystery at the heart of the movie is so basic and so ridiculous, even by TV standards, that it makes you wonder how any crimes are ever solved. The villain? A generic Elon Musk, because why not embrace the "bad guy" of the moment. 

Then there's the complete, utter lack of humor. Gone is the wit and playfulness that made the series special. No, no. In 2023 one must embrace the role of victim and dwell in the dark, and Monk spends the movie - the entire movie -  planning his own suicide.  

It was a completely cynical, dry movie devoid of any spark of what made the series special. 

Grade: C-

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