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Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Rebel Moon: Part One

Very late on Boxing Day, as midnight neared, I went over to Yaya's apartment to watch a movie with her and her boyfriend. We chose Rebel  Moon.

A Zach Snyder science fiction film, it's the story of a farming community at the mercy of a diabolical empire. The farmers believe that if they recruit enough mercenaries they can thwart the empire and gain their independence.  How even an unlikely victory would stop the empire from coming back and Alderran-ing them is never explained to my satisfaction. 

There's nothing original in the movie, as it's pretty clearly The Magnificent Seven meets Star Wars, but so what? Sometimes originality is overrated. It was fun, visually impressive, and had some decent action scenes. My main beef, honestly, was that Snyder once again dragged a movie out so long you start glancing at your watch.

I grade this one a solid B.

It's worth a watch on Netflix. 

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