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Monday, August 5, 2024


So I finally got around to watching this recently, and about a third of the way through I was NOT impressed. I thought the kidnapping (no spoiler here, it's right at the start) was a cliched mess right out of a middle schooler's creative writing assignment, and the whole group of criminals gave off the vibe of a low grade Reservoir Dogs ripoff. 

So I stopped watching. 

Then I read some reviews that claimed the movie was great and unique and blah blah and I thought "Either I'm missing something or those reviews were bought and paid for by the studio" 

So I resumed watching. 

I still don't think it was unique or anywhere close to great BUT the last two thirds were a significant improvement. They we fun  horror-movie gory, and downright entertaining. So yes, I'm glad I went back to finish it. 

Did I like it enough to recommend it or revisit it in the future? No, not really. 

Grade: C+

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