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Monday, August 19, 2024

Phil Donahue


Phil Donahue, the popular TV personality who pioneered the one hour, single topic talk show with audience participation, has died after a long illness. He was 88. 

Donahue was Oprah before there was an Oprah, and she  graciously credited him in her magazine in 2002. "If there had been no Phil Donahue show, there would be no Oprah Winfrey Show," Winfrey said. "He was the first to acknowledge that women are interested in more than mascara tips and cake recipes — that we're intelligent, we're concerned about the world around us and we want the best possible lives for ourselves."

He got the first talk show interview with Nelson Mandela after his release, hosted a Democratic debate on his show during the 1992 primaries, hosted the show for 29 years, until 1996,  and in May of this year was presented the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Biden. 

I remember my Mom watching his show, his marriage to Marlo Thomas, and his iconic mane of white hair. I recall fondly the episode he did with George Burns, and being bitter when his show initially fell behind Oprah in popularity LOL

Rest in peace sir. You done well. 

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