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Friday, August 2, 2024

End the Honeymoon

 It's been twelve days since Joe Biden withdrew from the 2024 election, and about 11.75 days since Kamala Harris was anointed the Democratic nominee..

I'm not saying she wouldn't have been the pick if Joe had withdrawn sooner: she's the sitting VP, she checks all  the right age/sex/race boxes, etc. 

I'm also not saying she shouldn't be the pick. 

But . . 

More than sixty years ago the parties stopped deciding Presidential candidates internally - supposedly - and turned to the primaries to give the voters a nominal voice in the process. 

Nominal, because the primaries are rigged for one or two favorites each cycle, and the nominee is all but chosen by the time some states have their primary. 

But my goodness, what have we done in 2024? We've - well, the DNC - has crowned a candidate without input from a single primary. They've even done it while skirting the traditional nomination process at the convention. Apparently, not only the public is excluded from deciding, but so are the delegates at the convention. 

In those 12 days Harris has given zero press conferences, and has been exposed to no serious journalistic questions. The media has gone mum on all of their criticism of her, which, while benign, existed prior to a few weeks ago. 

Again, this isn't an anti-Harris post. It isn't the person that bothers me, it's the sleight of hand behind the scenes. 

This is the same media that denied up and down that Joe Biden was physically unfit for office, that covered it up for months at the risk of an election loss, or worse. Then, when it was on display for the world at the debate, and they couldn't pull off the lie, they turned on him like a pack of wolves.

Now, 100% of coverage is about Kamala Harris, and how wonderful she is. No discussion. No questioning. No dissension.

I am not a conspiracy guy. I don't think humans are dependable enough to keep mum and pull off a national or international scam. But by all I hold dear, the belief in my head that this republic can't be bought outright . . well, it's fading fast. 

The media should not crown a King, or a Queen. Neither should a party chairman and high dollar donors.

 So far, all 3 have tried their best to do so in 2024, and I think they'll succeed. 

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