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Thursday, August 1, 2024


Continuing our tradition of seeing M Night Shyamalan movies on opening night,  Lisa and I went to see Trap. 

The police have learned that The Butcher, a serial killer with 12 victims to his name, will be attending a Lady Raven pop concert in Philadelphia.  They lock the facility down,  refusing to let any man out without first questioning him.  Bad news for our guy Cooper, aka The Butcher, who is attending the show with his daughter.  Will he escape the elaborate trap?  Or have the police finally got their man?

OK, first of all, Shyamalan haters, there is no wild twist at the end,  so relax. Second,  it was grand seeing Haley Mills up on the silver screen. 

There's no twist,  but there's also not a whole lot of tension in my opinion, and I'm not sure why the "trap" worries the guy so much.  The cops don't have an ID, a description, or even a race to compare him against. Answer their questions and go home. 

Also, not a fan of the conversation in the arena that leads to a car ride. I won't give up the spoiler, but suspension of disbelief, if it wasn't a thing before, would have been invented after that scene. 

The last 15 minutes tho - oh those did the trick.  He ended the movie well. 

BTW, Shyamalan's daughter plays Lady Raven, and does a great job singing.  Acting,  not so much.  And the plot armor her character wears is awfully thick. 

Grade: B

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