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Saturday, July 13, 2024

YaYa is engaged!!

This morning I went to the DMV to renew my driver's license and had two missed calls from YaYa. I texted her a pic from the DMV and told her I'd call her when I was done.  In response I received this photo:

My YaYa is engaged!

Here's the scoop.

Back on the 9th I was scrolling on my phone in bed when Alex, YaYa's boyfriend,  nervously asked to speak with me. It was hard for him to get to the point,  as anxious as he was,  but I could see it coming.  As I wrote my work chat at 10:05 that night:

My oldest daughter's boyfriend just asked my blessing to propose to her this weekend. Unnecessary but sweet.  :)  

I told him of course he had my blessings and that I would be proud to have him as a son-in-law.

Friday they left town to spend the weekend in a yurt they had rented. 

This morning YaYa was fascinated with some frogs nearby and concentrated on getting some photos. 

Behind her, as recorded on video,  Alex waited on bended knee.

I think they are a great couple and I am thrilled to see them start a life together as husband and wife. 

Congratulations YaYa and Alex!!!

Friday, July 12, 2024

My Thoughts on replacing Biden

If you ask me, and no one has, the Democratic Party would be foolish to replace Joe Biden at this point in the game. 

Yes, he's suffering from memory loss and is clearly, visibly, unfit to continue in office. But that didn't start when the media lifted its self-imposed blinders after the debate; the general public knew the emperor had no clothes for at least a year now. The time to get a healthier, more viable option was back when the primary season began. 

Now? With a convention coming up and the election what, 100 days away? Changing horses now just tells the voters you either didn't pay attention or didn't care when you should have, and leaves the public trying to evaluate and trust a new candidate at the 11th hour. 

Not to mention a contested  DNC convention in Chicago should spark some superstition. 

I do NOT buy into the argument that a Biden-Trump matchup is an automatic loss for Biden. That is media hysteria as rooted in fact as the "The President is fine" nonsense they parroted for the last year.  I think he's probably, regrettably, the best option to defeat a second Trump term. 

Remove Biden, and I think you seal a victory for Trump. If that's your goal, fine. If it isn't . . . live with your choice. 

Thursday, July 11, 2024



Redbox, my beloved, is going out of business as their parent company is in bankruptcy. 

Certainly streaming has hurt their bottom line (which peaked at  $1.97 billion in 2013) but so did the dearth of first-run movies during the Covid crisis. Just when you're stuck home with time to spare, there was no fresh material to go rent. 

I love Redbox, frequented it - sometimes going AT MIDNIGHT as Tuesday dawned, just to get my hands on a new release. 

It always struck a nostalgic cord with me too. I remember, when I was very young (young enough to still be collecting plastic football helmets from candy machines) that Sun Foods on 20th and Oklahoma had a vending machine, very much like an early Redbox, that dispensed video cassettes to rent. 

RIP Redbox. You were a blessing, and you will be missed.