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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all the dedicated dads out there. I miss my dad and step father a lot some days, they were so important in my life.

So happy I still have Dan and am able to see through him everyday what joy and pride a man has watching his kids grow to young adults (and older teens) experiencing the world. He finds as much joy answering their questions now as he did when they were littles. I know they are substantially more prepared because of his daily involvement and encouragement. I hope you have a great fathers day Danny! - Lisa

Friday, June 14, 2024

They Aren't Worth It

legitimately so sick of these cat toys. i’m so anxious there are mice running around when it’s lyla killing a toy - Lulu

Incrediroll Closes

This week word came that Incrediroll, a skating rink used by Team Slap and documented here time and time again, has closed after 30+ years. 

This was YaYa's inital reaction: 

worst workplace i’ve ever been for an extended time. it’s a shame that the milwaukee area is now -2 skate rinks tho.

I was quick to respond: 

Sad, IMO. I know you didn't like it in retrospect, but I wish you could remember what it felt like at the time. I remember a young YaYa that was so f-ing proud to have a job, to be respected at the job, and do it well. I remember how you used to prioritze that job like it was the damn Presidency. Now I'm tearing up here remembering, for real. I wish you were little again.  Full out weeping. #Embarrassing

It might have made an impact, because she posted this today:

end of an era. s 🕊️

siri play ymca

From Lisa:  [The closing] makes me more sad than it probably should. I saw my childhood, my neice and nephew's childhood, my children's childhood when I went there. It's sad my grandchildren won't be able to go. And who's opening a skate rink? No one. Sigh. Yeah, it's upsetting.

Goodbye Incrediroll. You were loved!

An Update on Frappe

Big mama has really flourished this year! The pics in the bucket are when I first got her and she had layers of unshed schutes from incorrect diet and lighting. Think if you never shed your dead skin and it was stuck to you in layers. The pics in the pool are from today!!! Her true colors have come out!! Next year you will see a post about the progress of the spiked edge of her shell! - LuLu