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Friday, June 14, 2024

Incrediroll Closes

This week word came that Incrediroll, a skating rink used by Team Slap and documented here time and time again, has closed after 30+ years. 

This was YaYa's inital reaction: 

worst workplace i’ve ever been for an extended time. it’s a shame that the milwaukee area is now -2 skate rinks tho.

I was quick to respond: 

Sad, IMO. I know you didn't like it in retrospect, but I wish you could remember what it felt like at the time. I remember a young YaYa that was so f-ing proud to have a job, to be respected at the job, and do it well. I remember how you used to prioritze that job like it was the damn Presidency. Now I'm tearing up here remembering, for real. I wish you were little again.  Full out weeping. #Embarrassing

It might have made an impact, because she posted this today:

end of an era. s 🕊️

siri play ymca

From Lisa:  [The closing] makes me more sad than it probably should. I saw my childhood, my neice and nephew's childhood, my children's childhood when I went there. It's sad my grandchildren won't be able to go. And who's opening a skate rink? No one. Sigh. Yeah, it's upsetting.

Goodbye Incrediroll. You were loved!

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