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Thursday, July 2, 2009


Just a quick note to remind everyone that a column of mine will be running in today's (Thursday 7/2) Journal-Sentinel. Look for it on the editorial page.

While we're on the subject, don't be a cheapskate. Spend the 75 cents instead of just browsing the online version, then write the editor and tell him how great I am.

Or at least stop writing and telling them I suck. I'll settle for that.


  1. From Facebook:

    Tim Kohn at 2:57am July 2
    dan,i have to work today,a very good customer of mine wat's her yukon detailed,after i get done i'll buy a copy of the sentinel,yes they sell them up here,lol.had ALL the brakes done on the blazer $481.00 darn chevy just will not die!!give the kid's a kiss and a hug for me!!

  2. From Facebook:

    Jeanne Scorsone at 7:17am July 2
    Tim, you sound busy. and Dan, I will pick up one too.

  3. From Facebook:

    maueker at 11:06am July 2
    Great column!


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