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Monday, October 16, 2023

Thursday with Junie

Last Thursday was Throwback Day for Spirit/Homecoming Week and Junie, as you can see, went with a hippie vibe. She was dissapointed because some people, including a teacher, said it wasn't far off her norm. I disagree, as did Junie. 

After school I picked her up and drove her to a nail appointment off 77th and Capitol Dr, where I sat outside in the car for 90 minutes. Cute nails tho.

Then we drive across town to a Sendiks where we picked up the corsages and a boutenaire for her and some of the Core Four. We also picked up some groceries, which reminded us we were hungry.

So we went to a nearby Five Guys. It was the second visit to one in my life and good or not, a ten dollar burger this wasn't.  They're crazy expensive in my opinion. 

The fries though . . .ok, the fries are worth the money.

Anyway we say and talked about the day, some theological points from her Confirmation class, and other matters of interest on a rainy October evening.

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