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Sunday, October 8, 2023

War In Israel


It has already been described as Israel's 9/11. 

In a coordinated terror attack by land, air, and sea - Hamas has killed more than 700 Israelis, and wounded north of 2000 more. This was not a military action, unless your definition of such includes going house to house, hacking and killing civilians, dragging bodies through the street, kidnapping civilians as hostages, targeting a music festival in the desert for attack where at least 260 were murdered,  raping, and posing for selfies next to destroyed vehicles. Hamas itself acknowledges launching 5000 rockets into Israel yesterday. 

President Biden condemned an “appalling assault against Israel by Hamas terrorists” and said that “Israel has a right to defend itself and its people, adding “My Administration’s support for Israel’s security is rock solid and unwavering.”

Right answer Mr. President.

Today, as causality counts mount and Israel declared formal war for the first time since 1973, Hamas acknowledged that Iran backed the attacks - no doubt to derail the treaty talks with Saudi Arabia. The US has responded by dispatching an aircraft carrier, six ships, and fighter craft to the region. 

[I will, for the moment, practice intentional blindness and ignore the fact that the White House handed Iran $6 billion dollars this summer in a hostage deal, money Iran blatantly said they'd spend on whatever they wished]

Meanwhile, spontaneous anti-Semitic celebrations popped up all over the world, cheering on actions like this: 

The naked body of a  [Israeli] woman was paraded through the streets in the back of a pick-up truck on Saturday as Hamas fighters sat on her unmoving form.

A celebrating crowd surrounded the armed men in combat fatigues, who shouted “Allah Akbar” from the open back of the truck.

Some in the crowd, which included youngsters, spat on the woman’s body before the truck sped away on a day of unprecedented massacres of Israeli civilians.

The woman was later named as Shani Louk. Miss Louk’s family confirmed they had seen the video but said they “still have some kind of hope” that she had survived.


What does US Congresswoman (D) Rashida Tlalib, of the so-called "Squad" have to say? 

“I grieve the Palestinian and Israeli lives lost yesterday, today, and every day.” Tlaib said, equating murderer and victim in her "grief" before calling the situation in Israel "apartheid" and urging a "cease fire" - aka no retribution and no justice against Hamas. 

Thankfully, even those in her party have reacted with disgust to her hate, and I hope - vainly, I'm sure - that she is formally rebuked. 

I pray for Israel and the safety of its citizens, and for the quick and total destruction of Hamas and its adherents. 


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