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Monday, November 4, 2013

A-Rod Update

The A-Rod story is heating up again. It turns out - and this is in the NY Times and verified by police records - that a car belonging to an employee of BioGenesis was broken into and that medical records were stolen from the vehicle. A prime suspect interviewed by the police? Gary Jones, a man working with MLB , a man whom all parties agree provided the stolen records to MLB. 

Want more? Again, in the NY Times and supposedly verified by private voicemail messages: a MLB investigator initiated a sexual relationship with Loraine Delgadillo, a nurse at Biogenesis, in an attempt to procure documents and statements from her against A-Rod. 

Still more: another witness claims he was pressured into false allegations against A-Rod after (he says) MLB harassed him and his family endlessly, even going so far as to follow his family when they went on vacation overseas. 

And literally hundreds of thousands of dollars have been spent on 'payments' to various witnesses by MLB. 

You may approve of Selig resorting to Hoover-esque strong arm tactics. You may not care that all the 'evidence' in the case is, at the very least, fruit from a poisoned tree. You may be willing to put aside justice and due process because of your emotional dislike of Rodriguez. 

I am not. MLB and Selig need to end their witch-hunt. 

And A-Rod, in the words of one baseball commenter, needs to "slit MLB's bloated belly and see what spills out."

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