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Friday, November 29, 2013

The Christmas Tree Kerfluffle

.....You do this every year.. without me.- YaYa

That's horrible Dan! U should wait for grace n I this is the 2nd year I can remember u guys put it up without her... Smh... - Mindy


*keeping my mouth shut, bp through the roof*

Bp? - Mindy

Blood pressure.... Not his fault or doing. All me. Take it up with me. I almost always do it black Friday, like my mama before me. Also prefer to do most of it Alone as I'm picky. Judge as u will :)   - Lisa

Note: YaYa is upset we put up the tree in her absence. She was there when we bought it but headed out to Grandma's before the decorating. But as I told her, Mom did 96% of it, as she always does, because she likes her tree just so; all the rug rats did was hand her some ornaments and hang a couple at the end. They were also stuck going to Mass, cleaning the yard, and putting away laundry; think she'd still want to trade places with them? :)

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