, pub-4909507274277725, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Slapinions: Pacquiao/Rios

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Monday, November 25, 2013


Finally got around to watching the Pacquiao/Rios match last night. I know it's supposedly evidence that Pacquiao is 'back', but would a journeyman like Rios have gone the distance five years ago, much less avoided hitting the canvas once? Eh, I'm not sold. I did get Olivia to watch it with me, largely (I think) on the strength of Jessica Sanchez' grand rendetition of both national anthems, which nailed her to her seat. Parker watched a few rounds and wanted to know what the No-Swell/End-Swell was, while Lauren was aghast at the cut above Rios' eye and asked me what happened, which shows a charming lack of attention to what she supposedly watches! LOL

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