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Monday, November 25, 2013

A Strip Tease at the Thrift Store

So Lisa and I spent part of the morning on the road, and at one point stopped at a Goodwill. While we were there we kept crossing paths with a gorgeous young Asian woman. Or, if you want to be fair and view it from her perspective, she kept crossing paths with a gorgeous middle aged Pole. 

Anyhow, fast forward to the checkout lane. Lisa waited in line while I wandered to a Christmas display in the showcase. I glanced up and saw the woman enter one of the dressing rooms. Nothing unusual there. Except she didn't close the door. She didn't even attempt to *not* prop it open. And there, in full view, she began to unbutton her blouse and slowly slipped it off, taking her time while she unbuttoned the shirt she was going to try on . . . 

"Dan," Lisa said.

"In a minute" I replied

"I just need to know if there are any Santa pins in that display."

"Yeah, ok, just a sec"

"Her boobs will be there when you're done looking. Just glance to your right and tell me if there are any Santa pins"

[there weren't - what a waste of my time! Ugh! Wives!]

Later the woman came out of the dressing room and got in the next line over. She bought only a pair of infant sleepers. 

"Where were the clothes she tried on?" I asked Lisa. "She didn't put any away."

"I think she probably wore them out of the store," she said. 

"You think so? Why didn't you tell the manager?," I said. 

"He saw her show too. You think he cares about a $1.50 shirt? Would you?"

Good point.

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