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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving 2013

Went out to dinner with the in-laws, Lisa, and the two youngest - Lu was invited to a friend's celebration and YaYa was babysitting. Good food, good time and good company. Then it was home for a nap before hitting the stores for some early Black Friday deals. You don't like shopping on Thanksgiving? Move to Russia you commie scum. :)

Wal-Mart was busy but calm, but almost every advertised item was sold out by the time I entered the store. Unexpected deals on smaller items however, so it might be worth your time tonight. Walgreens slower than usual. K-Mart seemed busy but I didn't stop in. I have two people hitting Menards on my behalf at 6am. I'd ask for people here on FB to keep an eye out for deals on item X for Christmas, but since YaYa  is on FB now that avenue is closed lol

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