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Monday, November 25, 2013

RIP to the Microwave

We had a bit of a scare yesterday. LuLu reported smelling a bad odor, like burning plastic, and while I ignored her at first (she reacts to smells like I react to rodents) the odor was soon undeniable. We couldn't locate a source for it, and after a good while I had to contemplate that maybe something was wrong with the wiring in the walls, and wouldn't that just be a grand start to the Christmas season? Thankfully we at last discovered that it was the microwave. It wasn't running, but something in the motor had shorted out and it was going to go Chernobyl. So, we're down a microwave. Not a wallet breaker, but certainly a wallet-bruiser at this time of year.Junie was panicked, saying we'd have no way to cook. I answered by rapping my knuckles on the stove. "Uh, yeah wight Dad," she said. "how we cook soup or popcorn on dat?"

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