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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Goodbye 2014!

New Years Eve (a running narrative)

Nick Jonas on now, everyone singing along to "Jealous"

One Direction singing "Story of my Life". Everyone singing along, here and in the audience. GREAT song. GREAT GREAT song.

Playing Pokemon with Smiley. I'm confused. Very confused (the margaritas probably aren't helping)

My spur of the moment plan to take the family on a county bus ride, just because they are free on NY Eve, has been vetoed by Lisa. In part because it's 12 degrees outside, and in part because it's a dumb idea.

Smiley and I are hitting the road while LuLu dyes Lisa's hair

Note the strawberries Lisa had the kids dip in chocolate as an activity/treat for NY Eve

Just watched 1D on New York Rockin Eve! Plus, saw Donnie Wahlberg!

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