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Wednesday, December 17, 2014

North Korea's Actions Must be Addressed

US Intelligence now confirms North Korea sponsored the hack of Sony, and the subsequent threats to turn theaters that showed "The Interview"- a comedy about the assassination of the North Korean leader- into sites reminiscent of 9/11. 

I earlier chided the media for regurgitating material stolen from Sony by North Korea. It showed a lack of professional and personal ethics.

Today Sony bowed to the demands of these terrorists, withdrawing the film. This shows both an utter lack of courage and conviction, but also a lack of respect for freedom of speech and the ideals we supposedly hold dear.

I think this was a clear act of war by North Korea. I *do NOT* advocate a shooting war in return.

 Instead,  I offer that it is Obama's duty to force Sony to release the film. Given its subject matter it's unreasonable for a top U S official to attend the premiere in support of their rights, but behind the scenes the pressure from on high must be intense and persuasive.

I encourage the AG to pursue legal action against NK in international court, if only for appearances.

I would push China to reign in their creepy little friend.

I would impose comprehensive and unrelenting sanctions, and force our allies to do the same. Do sanctions hurt the populace more than the rulers? Not as much as bombs and drones, and so sanctions it is. 

Under the table I would hope our intelligence forces return the favor, tho i can't name a single Nk entity  worth hitting. 

And behind the scenes, maybe it's time for Iran circa 1954, or Saigon '63. Hopefully with better long term results.

Finally, while Obama is basking in his alleged triumph against Cuba - last century's albatross - maybe he can work on more current dangers. 

And yes, should it be released, I'll be at the first local screening of "The Interview", no matter what threats are on the table. (And I didn't even want to see the film originally .)

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