, pub-4909507274277725, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Slapinions: Owling??

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Thursday, December 25, 2014


We were discussing some very tentative plans for #TeamSlap to do the Polar Bear Plunge on New Years, and Junie, eager to join the discussion, said she wanted to go "owling" on that day. She defined this as looking for owls in the woods. 

We all laughed. "You just can't add 'ing' to the end of an animal word and make it a thing," Lulu said.

Of course Junie  started crying, which lasted until Lisa rescued her by Binging it and  proving that "owling" is a "thing" - just nothing like what she made up. 

Apparently it's grown-ass human beings taking pictures of themselves perched like owls.

Good thing it's Christmas or I may offer an opinion on the state of mankind. Oh well, at least they're not turtle-ing . :)

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