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Thursday, December 25, 2014

The Disastrous Autograph Book Suprise

For two month's we told the kids their Disney autograph books had gone AWOL when Lisa's luggage was lost for a few days. Meanwhile we filled them with photographs and stickers (the books, not the kids), personalizing each, and gave them to them last night. The reaction? Unexpected.

YaYa and Smiley labelled us as liars and said it was a betrayal, while LuLu, foot in mouth, backpedaled on an earlier statement that she didn't care about their loss. My Junie reacted with wonder and glee, and successfully reconstructed some of the clues that should have given the game away. YaYa was so p.o'd , as a matter of fact, that she refused to pose for pictures on Christmas morning. 

What a bunch of kooks. LOL

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