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Saturday, January 13, 2024

Facebook (tiny) drama

A group I'm in on Facebook was more or less besieged by posts asking about the origin of one surname or another, and the moderators of the site we're getting annoyed. So I posted this:
The immediate reaction, to my surprise, was largely negative. I then added this to the post:

Maybe I am misjudging the comments here but it seems like most people are treating it as if this guy was some hack in the back of a comic book who sent me a pre-printed letter saying I was Superman's long lost son.

Not the case. 

He gave me a very detailed four or five page investigation into my name, admitting that he was coming up dry on a definitive origin, but giving me what he could find. He even followed up later.

His information was professional, sourced, and of infinitely more value than a comment on Facebook or the opinions of a random website.

I wholeheartedly recommend him.

To my relief, subsequent commenters also vouched for him and the tide began to turn. SMH

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