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Tuesday, January 9, 2024


With the media hyping a super snowstorm Tuesday - so called "Snowmageddon" - local schools cancelled, and rather than risk driving 45 minutes to my office I called and booked a study room at the Cudahy Library for the day.

 I set up shop at the head of the table, and Lisa all but forced Junie to go with me so she could work on a diorama for an immigration project.  

By the time we left, a full six hours later, the project included a representation of Zaklikow, our ancestral Polish city, which in 1910 had a significant furniture making industry. The center of the board depicted her Great-Great Grandfather John's arrival in NY in 1910, complete with a copy of his immigration documents. The third section was to represent our hometown and our family's long connection with the Milwaukee Road. 

First tho, before we left,  she had to clean up the room. 

Now Snowmageddon never happened, and it wasn't until we left the library that it snowed at all. But snow it did, in messy but tiny amounts, as we went to the Dollar Tree for additional supplies. 

Then Junie offered to treat me to lunch at Rocky Rococo's by the airport. 

Here's the finished project, with a dollar store mini-Barbie redone as the Statue of Liberty and Legos and Matchbox wheels made into railroad cars. :) 

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