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Sunday, September 3, 2023

40 Years Later

Today is the 40th anniversary of my Little Grandpa's death, and I chose to honor his memory all day. I know that my perception of him is certainly not 100% accurate - after all, what adult presents their whole authentic self to a nine year old? - but the man he showed me is a man that shapes my life right up to the here and now. 

It being a Sunday, I went to Mass (with my mother-in-law today), and said a prayer for him. Then I met YaYa and her boyfriend Alex at the cemetery to pay our respects. YaYa had purchased and brought along a bouquet of flowers at my request. 

I said some prayers over the grave, introduced Alex to his potential future Great-Grandfather in law, and broke up a little bit. 40 years and it still stings. Man. Whodathunkit? 

Tacky it may be, but there's actually a Poke stop/gym at the cemetery, and they spent a minute or two showing me how to use my app. 

From there, I went home for a bit. Then I grabbed Smiley and headed over to a rummage sale run by Alex's parents, more to pay my respects and support them then anything, although I picked up a neat JFK PT boat lapel pin that YaYa had tipped me off too (kudos to me for raising a kid who knows enough history to have picked it out of the group), and a copy of a NY Times from 9/11. 

Later, after Lisa went to work, I dropped Junie off at her friend Lucy's house for a picnic with most of the Core Four.  If I haven't mentioned it, it was a blisteringly hot day (in the 90's) from start to finish, and just moving around was enough to make me thankful for air conditioning. So the idea of a *picnic*  . .  yeah, no thanks. 

Since I was already on the north side I went and refilled the little library at Junie's school 

Then, partly by design, partly by proximity, I moseyed down to the Milwaukee animal shelter where I was introduced to two kitties, a one eyed and very afraid Cleveland, and this fine specimen of canine genetics, all 15 pounds of him lol, ridiculously named Snoopy . . . 

I wanted him. Not gonna lie. But I sent text after text to the family and got no response, even after sitting at the shelter for 45 minutes. So I left. 

And when I got home Lisa texted that I should get him. Naturally. 

Alas, when I called the shelter was closing soon and would not adopt him out, and is closed for Labor Day tomorrow. 


Anyway, about an hour later Junie called for a pickup and I trotted back out. She had a great time, and I greatly enjoyed laughing at her carrying all her picnic stuff back to our car LOL 

So, a pretty varied day, but overall a good one, and (I think) an honorable way to honor Little Grandpa. 


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